[Tutorial] How to create an emoticon cartoon in Photoshop

Create your own emotion with this tutorial in which i will teach you how to create your own emotion in photoshop

Resources needed:
Brushes LINK

step-1-emotionStep 1:

Create a new document in Photoshop.
Width- 1200px
Height- 1600px

step-2-emotionStep 2:

Fill the background with #e7ffff

step-3-emotionStep 3:

Now we will use the downloaded brush set. Take Sampled Brush 1 3. Change the foreground color to #80e6ea. In the option bar change the opacity to 54%. Now take a new layer and paint it as shown in the image.

step-4-emotionStep 4:

Now take a new brush from the set "mano_3". Change the size to 450px. Change the foreground color to #f5ffff. Start painting.

Step 5:

Take #a25ddd as fore ground color. Paint the page. This color gives sky a naturalistic effect.

step-6-emotionStep 6:

Take a new layer. Call it "grass". Change the fore ground color to #57964d. Take sampled brush 1 12. Change the opacity to 100%. Now paint the grass.
Shade the grass in the same way we shaded sky in previous steps. You can use different brushes.

step-7-emotionStep 7:

Take a new layer. Call it "circle1". Draw a Circle with elliptical marquee. Fill it with #e05d5d.

step-8-emotionStep 8:

Select the pink circle and fill it with different textures.


Step 9:

Use Burn tool to create 3D effect.

Step 10:

Use Dodge tool to create highlights.

step-11-emotionStep 11:

Here I have used Brush tool to create eyes. To create eyes take a new layer. Use brush tool with black as foreground color. Draw the eyes pressing shift key. You get a straight line with shift key.

step-12-emotionStep 12:

Take hard circular brush to create white spots in the eye. This gives depth to the eyes.

step-13-emotionStep 13:

Take a new layer. Draw 2 circles on it. Fill it with pink color.

Step 14:

Texturize the hands.

step-15-emotionStep 15:

I placed the hands little closer. Again use Burn and Dodge tool to create 3D effect.


Step 16:

Again use brush tool to draw the fingers.

step-17-emotionStep 17:

On a new layer, draw an oval using elliptical selection. Fill it with Dark pink. Copy the layer and place ovals on both cheeks. This will create blush effect.

Step 18:

Go to the grass layer. Use Burn tool to create shadows.

Step 19:

Use Custom shape tool to create hearts. And it is done. Hope you liked it.

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