[Tutorial] Create an anti smoking concept design in photoshop

smoke final preview
In this Photoshop Tutorial we will use stock images, brush, transform tools and text tool to create an anti-smoking poster design. I hope the techniques useful , also the final result gives a clear message and all people can turn the awareness of the danger of smoking into concrete actions.

Resources needed:

step 1 smoking Step 1:

Create a new layer (1200x1000 px) and fill it with white. Add a new layer above background and fill it with Linear Gradient:


step 1a smoking

 Drag a line from bottom to top we have:

step 2 smoking 

 Step 2:

Open cigarette 1 stock. Isolate cigarette from background and move into our document, position it as shown below:

step 2a smoking 
Also move cigarette 2 that is cut out from original and place it on the end of cigarette 1, remember to scale it to fit the size of cigarette 1 :

step 2b smoking 
 Add Layer Mask and use soft black brush to make only the burning end of cigarette 2 remain:

step 2c smoking Create a new layer above cigarette 1 layer with Clipping Mask option, name it "darken cigarette":

step 2e smokingstep 2d smoking Use soft brush, color #767575 to paint on cigarette 1 and set this layer to Multipy 60%:

step 3 smoking'
 Step 3:

Cut man from stock, resize and place him under cigarette (man layer is set under cigarette layers also):

step 3a smoking
 Now we will fix the light on man's foot:

step 3b smoking
  Create a new layer, use Clone Tool to paint over this light part:

step 3c smoking Also create a new layer under man layer. Use brush, color #1c1c1c, Opacity and Flow 60-70% to paint under man feet, leg, hand to make shadow for him:

step 4 smoking Step 4:

Create a new layer between man and cigarette layers:

step 4a smoking Use soft black brush with Opacity and flow 60-70% to make the trace of cigarette pressed on man's back:

step 5 smoking
  Step 5:

Create a new layer and set it above Gradient layer in step 1.

step 5b smokingstep 5a smoking Use Retangular Marquee Tool to make a selection under man and cigarette, set feather = 4 and fill it with black. Lower Opacity to 50%, add layer mask to erase it to make it look like cigarette shadow:

step 6 smoking Step 6:

Make a new layer above cigarette layers. Set foreground to a brown one (i choosed #6a6969) and background to white. They will be the colors of smoke that we will add now. Remember that if you set foreground to white and background color to a brown tone, the result will be totally different.
Grab smoke brush, choose number 2192, 1091,( or any you like) and diameter 490-500 px to paint on top of cigarette:

step 7 smoking Step 7:

In next steps we will make cigarette ash . Choose layer of cigarette 2 ( that has burning end), use any tool you want to make a selection on it:

step 7a smokingRight click this selection, choose Layer via Copy, then move and transform it as shown below:

step 7b smoking
Duplicate this layer twice, transform them to get different motions:

step 8 smokingStep 8:

Create a new layer, select hard brush, 6 px, color #323130 and give it parameters as screenshots below show:

step 8a smokingstep 8b smokingstep 8c smoking

step 8d smoking Paint under ashes in previous step:

step 8e smokingRight click this layer, choose Blending Options:

step 8f smoking We have result:

step 9 smoking
 Step 09:

On a new layer, use brush with same settings in step 8 to make ash on floor (and same layer style):

step 10a smokingstep 10 smoking Step 10:

Hide smoke layer temporarily. Choose cigarette 2 layer again, make a selection on its burning end, set feather=0.5 then copy it into a new layer (choose Layer via Copy or use Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste). Move it on man body:

step 10b smoking
 Duplicate it twice and set different motions:

step 10c smoking
step 10d smoking Merge these three layers. Use Ctrl+Click on the man layer to load his selection:

step 10e smoking
 Ctrl+Shift+I to invert this selection. Press Delete to clear the parts out of man body:

step 10f smoking Change the Mode to Darken 100%:
You can erase (use Eraser tool or layer mask) this burning effect on any part you don't like. 

step 11 smokingStep 11:

Create a new layer with Overlay mode:

step 11b smokingstep 11a smoking

Use Burn Tool to darken some parts of burning effect on man body:

step 12 smokingStep 12:

Turn on smoke layer. Create a new layer above Gradient layer in step 1. I name it "darken":

step 12a smokingUse soft brush, color #5e5e5e to paint behind cigarette and foreground as shown below:

step 13 smokingStep 13:
New layer, use soft white brush, Opacity and flow 50-60% to paint the space between man and foreground:

Step 14 smokingStep 14:

Create a new Hue/Saturation layer and set on the top:

step 14c smoking
step 14a smokingUse soft black brush to erase burning end of cigarette 2:

step 15 smokingStep 15:

Create a new layer, use Text tool, color #030303, font Haettenschweiler (default window font), 105 px to type QUIT SMOKING! words on white part of background:

New layer, use font Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (default window font), 55 px to type words" it weakens you. it ruins you." and place under QUIT SMOKING! :

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